Cuizus is Born !!!


study desk

Hello World,

We are Cuizus! Cuizus was born during the lockdown of 2020. Everyone is going through a change, small or big, during this time. Children are no different as well. Their schools are closed, parks are not allowed to visit, play dates are almost out of imagination. Usual method of classroom learning, enjoying lunch breaks with friends has changed to online classroom and digital friendship. In certain parts of the world, books and learning materials are not easily available. But learning the concepts and practicing the same, should not stop. 

Hence, the idea of Cuizus was born! The importance of practicing cannot be overlooked even during these trying times. After all, children are the future for a better tomorrow. Cuizus will give the children a platform to practice from the comfort of their homes even in the remotest part of the world with basic internet connection. Cuizus team will keep on trying to upgrade by adding practice material for different age groups and on different subjects in future. Currently, we will be focussing on mathematics, primarily for elementary school groups ( Grades K - 5). Hope you find this useful through our automatically generated math worksheets. Happy Cuizing !!!

- Team Cuizus