Estimation & Rounding

Rounding off is to make a number simpler for a math student to its nearest tens. It will be less accurate but will be easier to calculate. Like, 43 can be rounded off to 40, to the nearest tens rather than going up to 50, which is a further away tens in this case.

Estimation & Rounding Worksheets

Round to nearest hundred

Practice rounding to the nearest hundreds.

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Grade 2 Ks 1

Round to nearest pound amount

Practice rounding to the nearest pound amount.

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Grade 2 Ks 1 Year 3

Round to nearest thousand

Practice rounding to the nearest thousand

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Grade 3 Year 4

Round to nearest dollar amount

Practice rounding to the nearest dollar amount.

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Grade 2 Ks 1

Round to nearest ten

Practice rounding to the nearest tens.

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